Today is the ONE day of the year that we are allowed to have a garage sale in our community of around 570 homes. A local realtor advertises, and makes maps of the participating homes available at the gate. She also brings us donuts.
We've been storing things in the garage for months. I've lost quite a bit of weight, and Treklet has outgrown many things, so there are lots of clothes. Katie brought things home from college that she no longer needs while living at home. Treklet cleaned out her toy drawers. My BFF Melissa even brought some things over.
It's been slow...lots of cars drive by but few stop. What are these people looking for? I have a TV, a VCR, a DVD player, a route,rbooks, tools, bathroom decor, bedding, and clothing of all sizes.
We packed up at noon, just as the mercury hit the 100 mark. Our total take was around $100, about evenly split between Katie, Melissa and me, with about $5 for Treklet. It was a lot less than we had hoped for, and we had quite a bit left over. We hung on to the most valuable things, and set bags and boxes at the curb for the Amvets truck to pick up. Within 20 minutes scavengers came and took most of it: all of the clothes, gadgets, even the lightbulb out of a lamp. They only left books, a few hardware items, the bulbless lamp, and few other items. Pathetic.
While I didn't shop anyone's garage, I did get some free stuff from my neighbor. He gave me two plastic Chicago Bears tall mugs and a set of 6 Bears cocktail glasses. I sure hope they win Monday, so I can drink from them proudly. :-) I traded Melissa's hubby my Padres beach towel for his Charger sweatshirt. I also got a skirt from her, and gave her all the jeans that didn't sell for her craft projects. Another one of my neighbors brought over some fabric, which Melissa can use, too. I like all the trading among neighbors much more than the haggling over quarters with strangers.
While I was perspiring in the garage, Treklet was at the beach with her Brownie Troop picking up trash for Coastal Cleanup Day. She got home with just enough time to eat lunch before I drove her to her callback audition for Annie. What a busy girl!
Katie is at APU getting paid to take some pictures, and I'm sure having a blast with her college friends.
I'm relaxing in the A/C catching up on some TV until I have to pick Treklet up. I hope she gets the part!
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